Lotus of the Heart Booking Form

9th July 2016 to 10th July 2016
at Les Sources Enchantées in Switzerland

Les Auges-Dessus 6, 2023 Gorgier, Suisse

I am sorry to say that this course have been cancelled.

To book a place on this course please complete the form below then click the paypal button.

You can choose to pay for the course in full £160, select Full Course, or
if you prefer you can pay the deposit of £60 now and the balance of £100 two weeks before that start of the course by selecting Deposit Only.


Simple Accomodation is available near then venue please contact Gabrielle to recieve adresses of hotels and hostels with a price-list.


If you need to cancel your place for any reason.
If you have paid in full you will recieve a refund of £100. The remaining £60 will be refunded if you place is resold.
If you have only paid the deposit then the deposit will be refunded only of your place on the course is resold.

To cancel please contact us using the contact form stating your name and contact telephone number. We will make the appropriate refund as soon as we process the e-mail.