welcome to the HOME PAGE of
the "school OF INNER LIGHT"!

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School of Inner Light logo © 2009


We founded the 'School of Inner Light' back in 2002, and for 15 years or so wrote and taught Professional Practitioner training courses in Crystal Healing & Energy Work, Reiki and Angelic Multidimensional Healing (AMD) alongside a wide range of courses and workshops designed to promote and enhance personal growth and spiritual development.

After having moved from Dorset to our new home in rural West Wales in 2018 - and having passed a few significant birthday 'milestones' (whilst also weathering the Coronavirus pandemic), in 2021 we decided it was time to semi-retire from our 'teaching roles', and pare down the wide-ranging curriculum previously offered to simply teach Reiki and AMD, and a few introductory workshops about crystals.

Hence many of the workshops and courses once offered by the School are no longer available; and the pages detailing them are no longer 'live' on this site - although you will still find pages relating to our training courses in Reiki and Angelic Multidimensional Healing, which remain ongoing; along with page(s) on any crystal-based 'starter' workshops currently offered.

To find out more, see further down this page, and/or simply follow the dropdown menu at the head of any page; or click on a highlighted link within the text in any page to go directly to further relevant information.


Mark and I are very aware of all that we have learned (and how much we have changed!) since setting out on this path over 25 years ago, and - to all those who have worked, taught, shared and learned with us over the years - we want to say a massive 'thankyou'... we would not be who we are today without you!


OUR experience (reiki & amd):

(and see 'About Us')

We (Mark and Hilary) began our Reiki training in 1997, and completed our Master Teachers training at the start of 2000. Since then we have taught and attuned over 70 people to Reiki, and taught over 120 separate course at all levels from stage 1 through to Master Teacher. Mark was also a working Reiki Practitioner for over 15 years, and so we have plenty of experience of working with and teaching Reiki. Furthermore, our Reiki lineage is very short - with only 7 Reiki Masters between ourselves and Mikao Usui (and 2 between us and William Lee Rand, whose attunement methods we prefer to use) - thus you may be assured that you are being taught material that is very close to the original Reiki source.

Mark and I 'birthed' the Angelic Multidimensional Healing System in 2007, and started teaching it in 2009: the full 4-level/5 stage course was developed under the charge and support of a group of Eminent Beings of Light, including The Melchisadek, Archaeon Metatron, Uriel and Michael and Archangel Tzadkiel; and took many years to write. All material is founded upon our personal understandings acquired over many years of experience gained in researching, writing and teaching courses and workshops on Archangels / Archaeon, Ascended / Cosmic Masters, Ascension, Subtle Energy Healing and Reiki. As a working AMD Master Practitioner for over 10 years Mark has plenty of hands-on experience; and as Founders and Teaching Masters we have a great deal of experience in teaching at all levels.


before you begin:

All prospective students who have not worked with us before will be invited to talk with us before being accepted onto a course. Reiki and AMD are profound experiences which often lead to changes taking place at physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual levels: the prospect of such changes, and any challenges these may bring, needs to be fully considered before embarking on the process. Having said that, it is our belief that any changes that take place are always for the ultimate Highest good of each individual, and will only be experienced at the level that each person can safely cope with. It is, however, important that each student is comfortable with us as their teachers, and that we feel they are ready and able to learn through us: learning a little about you will help us ensure that the time is right for the new energies to be accepted into your subtle energetic system, and that (with Reiki at least) any previous attunements (if received) have been fully integrated. Those students who use their Reiki and AMD regularly (on themselves especially) will usually integrate the energies quicker than those who do not! So too will those who use or work with subtle energies on a regular basis, or those who are actively working towards personal development on a spiritual level.

moving on / distance attunements:

We feel that it is not right to rush the attunement process and try to force the energy system to make changes too fast, and indeed that it could even be dangerous to do so. This is why we do not offer "fast-track" courses or teach more than one degree / level at a time. Our Reiki and AMD pages give outline guidance about when the time may be right to consider moving on, but everyone is different in their needs and abilities, and may require more time.

We do not agree with giving/receiving distance attunements over the internet. Although it IS possible to pass REIKI attunements at a distance in an emergency, this is not permitted in the AMD system due to the complex nature of the attunement processes. We feel that there is no acceptable substitute for hands-on learning from a properly qualified Reiki or AMD Master, fully supported by manuals and plenty of time for practising and asking questions. Following the Reiki path and /or working with the Spirit of AMD requires commitment and dedication, and instant fixes (or getting attuned simply for the sake of it) are not demonstrating a mastery of anything! We have also come across instances where distance Reiki attunements have not been carried out properly, leaving the attunement incomplete, or lodged in the incorrect place in the energy body. (NB: for anyone who has been attuned in this way, and who feels that something about their energy system is not right, we - like any responsible Reiki Master - will look at your energy system, check that all is as it should be, and if necessary offer remedial action.)

our classes:

All classes are usually kept small, with a maximum of four to a session for traditional Reiki and six in the Angelic Multidimensional Healing System, which requires less floor space. Tuition on a one-to-one basis can be given for either course, although a minimum of two students is preferred to make practising the techniques more practical. Full manuals, snacks and hot/cold drinks (and for some courses a simple lunch as well) are included in the fee. We are always available for back-up and advice following any of our courses and our students may join in a future course at the same level to refresh their knowledge at any time for a small nominal fee.

HEALING shares:

All those who have studied Reiki and/or AMD with us to any level are welcome to attend our meetings, where we share healing, news and updates as well as meet Reiki and Angelic friends old and new. Donations welcomed to cover costs.


As crystals and their energies have been so integral to many of our workshops, you may be interested to know that we sell top-quality hand-selected crystals through our ON-LINE SHOP, which may be found at www.innerlightcrystals.co.uk. This has detailed descriptions, photographs and prices of everything we sell (over 1000 items), along with lots of information about their properties and uses.

"It is our responsibility to point out that our work as teachers, facilitators and therapists is a personal expression of our Spiritual beliefs and practices and presents our interpretation of the knowledge and understanding we have gained through studying various complementary therapies over many years. Our workshops, courses and talks offer an opportunity to share our personal experience with others and to facilitate the possibility for individuals working with us to recognise their own potential on their very personal journey. Any advice or guidance we give through our teaching, therapy or personal interaction with individuals should be followed only if an individual chooses to do so of their own free will and we acknowledge and honour each person's right to discern if they wish to embrace within their lives the things we offer, or not. We charge only for our time, venue facilities and the preparation of any materials used during the sessions." Hilary and Mark; 8/7/2008.

This statement is willingly made to uphold the legal requirement of the Consumer Protection Regulations (2007) that incorporates an "Unfair Commercial Practices Directive", which means that from 2008 all Mediums, Healers, Psychics and any other Spiritual services will become subject to consumer law.